Car rental and leasing lowest cost tracking

The public rent your cars. Most look after them and bring them back – some don’t.

Every year, many rental vehicles are stolen or abandoned, so fitting a GPS tracker makes sense.

But there are two problems: the monthly fee adding to already tight margins, and the fact that you may be invading somebody’s privacy.

With our solution we have addressed both.

You can purchase and fit a Digicore tracker, then turn off the communications: no fees, no invasion. The tracker is still working, it’s just not sending the data to the interface and as such there is no charge. If you then need to locate your vehicle, all you do is call us – for $100 ex GST we will turn the communications back on and you will be able to see where your vehicle is and track it down. In the event of an accident, we will also tell you how it was driven.

Both problems fixed, simple as that.

Call Digicore today on (03) 9945 2244 or email us at and find out just how cost effective it can be to ensure the recovery of any vehicle in your fleet.